DP: Just a Dream – “Eye” dreamed.

You’re having a nightmare, and have to choose between three doors. Pick one, and tell us what you find on the other side.

Dreams, I like dreaming even if it turns into a nightmare.  Nightmares are just dreams, nothing to be scared about.  It’s scarier when I am wide awake having to deal with everyday living.  Pick a door?  When I pick a particular entry that opens to the unknown and enter it, what’s behind one door is connected to the other gate.  It does not really matter which door I choose.  This is what I call a dream within a dream.  I can quickly go back to a dream and continue dreaming.

There is a particular dream that is etched in the most recesses of my mind, body, and soul.  The time was the early year of 1998.  I was temporarily living in the basement of my friend, Jan, as I was on my way to be of service to ABC (AIDS Baby Centre) in Chiangrai, Thailand.  That basement was hellish, but I told Jan, I will turn hell into heaven.  And I did.  Jan just loves how I transformed her basement into heaven.

About the dream, skipping the details, this is the ending:  I opened my eyes, and I saw a single EYE surrounded by luminous light.  The Eye was staring at me.  I don’t know how long I started back.  And suddenly, fear kicked in, and I said: “Lord, I am not ready for this.”  Then I closed my eyes and went to deep dreamless slumber.  I woke up and missed out the better part of the morning, it was almost noon.

Ever since I become fixated with eyes.  I look at everyone’s eyes to see if I could capture that eye in someone else.  I am longing to go back to that “Eye” dream. I am now ready to look straight to that “Eye.”  As a result, my nightly prayer before I lay down to sleep, my last words are:  “Lord, come and visit me in my dreams.” 

15 thoughts on “DP: Just a Dream – “Eye” dreamed.

  1. Yes, I agree – it doesn’t matter which door you choose… they’re all connected 🙂 It’s only us, with our dualistic thinking patterns (black/white) that have difficulty “seeing” that. Nice dream!

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