DP: Teacher’s Pet – Don’t Call Me Stupid

My name is “Pet”, short for Perpetua.  And this is a story when I was in Elementary School studying at Ramon Magsaysay Cubao High School (RCMHS), a public school system. 
This must have happened when I was in sixth grade.  I was a very tiny person with BOOMING voice, similar to Owen Meany in the book written by John Irving “A Prayer for Owen Meany”.  Being small, I was always placed and seated at the front row.  But in this class, I was seated somewhere in the middle row.  I think the class was History and Geography. 
Teacher’s Pet?  I wasn’t called “Pet” by a teacher.  I was called “STUPID”.  I can’t remember what the question was raised by the Teacher nor can I remember what I said.  All I remember was I was called “STUPID”. 
I stood up and on the top of my voice I exclaimed  “DON’T YOU EVER CALL ME STUPID!”  Oh no, this is a No-no.  As a student, no one ever answers back to a Teacher; as a child, my role is to listen and obey. 
You could hear a pin drop in the classroom.  I wasn’t sent to the Principal’s office.  No response from the teacher nor there was a feedback from my scared classmates.  No note to take home for my Mother.  Class carried on. 
Report card: FAILED on History and Geography.  I love history and I know my Geography.  I can tell all the names of 50 states of United States and its capital.  I know Philippines has 7,001 islands on low tide; on high tide, one island is submerged, only 7,000 islands.  It’s a cinch to memorize when my brain cells are intact, at that time. 
Did I care if I failed?  Nah, who cares?  Nobody calls me stupid. 
“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
“The difference between genius and stupidity is; genius has its limits.”
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”― Albert Einstein
Related Articles:
HuffingtonPost: After A Teacher Calls Your Child Stupid: by Karin Kasdin
Don’t Call Me Stupid: Ross Mountney’s Notebook – WordPress
Don’t Call Me Stupid: by Kara Tointon – BBC UK
My Teacher, Who Pets some and Tries All: by All Those Small Things WordPress
Teachers Pet, Teacher who had a real impact on your life: by myvividvisions WordPress

5 thoughts on “DP: Teacher’s Pet – Don’t Call Me Stupid

    • I learnt to refrain from using this word ever since and this is the best education I ever had in elementary. As much as I have so many good memories, I just have to share this because of all the bullying happening. Thank you {{{hugs}}}

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