R.U.L.E.S – Blog for Peace February 2013

In my site, there is no badge on Bloggers for Peace because I did not join.  I mentioned to Kozo, if it’s okay to write just about it.  Request accepted.  
I am not much of a joiner, follower or a member of any kind of organization.  I am not even a registered member of the church I go to.  The reason being, my belief is we are all One Body, One Mind.   By default, I am a member, no need to sign up. 
Whew, now I have said, I feel peaceful. Ah…. 
A few years ago, I volunteered as a Big Sister for one of the students at False Creek Elementary School.  My little sister’s name is Megan.  We were sisters for at least three years. 
What I want to touch upon is how I valued the school’s R.U.L.E.S.  It stands for:
R – Respect
U – Understanding
L – Learning
E – Education
S – Safety
The school has a Code of Behaviour: Keeping our school safe, healthy, happy and a productive place to learn. These are basic rules that elementary students understand.  It is a basic training on growing up as a future peacemaker. 
I remember when I was in elementary, we were taught Good Manners and Right Conduct in a public school.  The title of the program is different from today’s education but in essence it’s the same principle.
Since religion is not part of the curriculum in a public school, it teaches peace and compassion.  Recently, I received an e-newsletter about children’s choir.  I’ve asked for permission if it’s okay to share it. Request granted. 
In my own personal opinion, we have to teach peace early to our children.  I don’t have any children.  Megan, my little sister, was the only child I became closed to at the school and we had so much fun in our peaceful ways. 
Here’s the video of the children singing just one candle for peace.
And here is my candle for everyone.
 What does it take to be peaceful articles:
Love is the answer
A call to service

20 thoughts on “R.U.L.E.S – Blog for Peace February 2013

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