One Love, One Heart

On the way home last night, I went to Church for Lenten blessing.  It’s just like Christmas on Ash Wednesday.  It was a crowded service.  I can only assume we came to Church to be redeemed and be forgiven for all the “sins” we have committed in our thoughts, words and deeds. 
I went to be reminded that I am a mere mortal being, impermanent on this Earth and to receive the sign on my forehead.  This sign is given by the Priest.  He dipped his thumb in an ash, made a sign of the cross on my forehead and told me “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  This line is derived from the story of how God made Adam, from a pile of dirt. Then I went home with a dirt mark while people stare at me with puzzled look.  And I just smiled. 
Meditating while walking and what came up to mind is the heart.  Is the heart the most important part of the body?  How come I have only one heart?  I have two hands, feet, eyes, lungs, ears; a pair of lungs, left and right hemisphere of the brain, etc.  It must be valentines, I brush off my thoughts. 
It’s a good thing that they came up with Valentine’s Day to distract people from the history of Valentine.  Personally, it’s my father’s death anniversary.  We will have a Celebration of Life but I won’t be able to make it due to work obligations.  I know, it’s only once a year.  Father will understand.  I do keep him in my prayers. 
My offering to you for Valentines is this heart: 
St. Francis of Assis

St. Francis of Assisi

Peace be with you.  Seeker

30 thoughts on “One Love, One Heart

      • No problem.
        They sang tons of songs.
        Imagine, by Lennon is something.
        Their website should be on most youtube channels

    • God works is awesome. And it is more awesome that we both recognize Him to be an inspiration to one another. Thank You for the award, Diana. Love and Prayers, Perpetua.

  1. Your handwriting by the way is very legible. There’s so much energy in the music that it’s a must share for the younger generation. Thank you, most enjoyable time.

  2. Your writing is such that I can actually “see” you walking home and getting interesting looks. That you meditate and walk is not much different than my own experience. However, I must disagree that we only have one heart. We have but one thumping gizzard, but we also have a heart within our mind. It is that place that creates feelings of love, compassion, trust, and all things good, true, and blessed. Good Day to you seeker! May you be happy and well always. Keep writing and I will keep reading!

  3. Wow, happy heart’s day, seeker! And for the soul of your father, I will offer prayers and a holy mass tomorrow. God bless.

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