To Err is Human (35)

What do I know?  Not much. 
Actually, much to my chagrin, I am kind of beating myself up a thousand lashes of wet noodles and at the same time, hitting my chest, and murmuring: Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. 
Yesterday was a good day that I was carried away spreading sunshine to the community by nominating 15 bloggers on Shine On Award.  On that list, I don’t know if you noticed that I nominated Michelle W. of Daily Prompt.  I was on a giving mood, sharing and caring.  Michelle W. is the gas that keeps this brain running, lubricated and creative. 
Wallah!  Done and published the post.  
What the devil is happening here?  The “d” word is the second time I’ve used in a span of five days in my post.  I am getting likes on my post when I know I chose Uncategorized and Awards.   There is something definitely wrong.  Something or someone is playing another joke on me. 
Lo and behold, the Daily Prompt: Mentor listed my post “the nominees are…”  
Retraced my steps, racked my brain and then an AHA moment came up.  Michelle W’s link went to (gulp) to Daily Prompt. I said to the whole web blog that I’m pressing the Pause Button. Failure Flashed on Fasting right before my very eyes.  UGH!  Can you see how red my face right now? 
Gave up computer and took a long walk instead of taking the public transportation to church for Sunday mass.   I got out of my head, met a lot of people, even saw my nephew on the main road, calling me on the top of his voice.  
Ah, hello, can you shout any louder, I don’t think the rest of Burnaby heard you calling me “Auntie”.  He excitedly talked how he read some of my post.  He introduced me to a beautiful lady on the passenger side.  (does his mom know who this lady is? I wonder)  I changed the topic to where are you going?  He said to the mall.  How about coming to church with me.  Er… later, he said.  Green light, he must move on. 
I felt much better coming home.  Cooked myself self a good spaghetti sauce and threw in the wet noodles.  Ate it instead of flogging myself. 
To err is human … to forgive divine.  I forgive myself for an honest mistake and the devil did it.

17 thoughts on “To Err is Human (35)

    • I admit that there is a mistake in a choice of word in this post. I used plagiarazing instead of flogging. Eek. I go shallow my pride, it’s not fattening anyway. Thank you, Mr. DaG.

  1. We all have those err moments, wet noodles are not strong enough, they just stick to the skin and make a mess how about being whipped with a feather boa much more comforting. 🙂

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