What’s Up?

Before Up, there must be down.  What I mean by down is a position not in the negative sense. 
Starting a rainy Vancouver day, which is nothing unusual, this is how the Canadian flag flies and the Sun came up, the Canadian Flag is up and flying proudly. 

 What are up on this picture are crystals, colourful balls, stalk of bamboo plant and a bird house. 
Crystals, birdhouse, bamboo, colourful balls

Crystals, birdhouse, bamboo, colourful balls

 The crystals reflect a million and one playful prisms up on the ceiling as well as down on the carpet.  Lucy as playful as ever chases the light while Maurice hides because he cannot stand being teased. 

The colour balls represent the planets in the constellation that glows in the dark.  I still have yet to put it up properly.  On the wall is a shadow of the bamboo plant.

 The bird house is a place for Finches and chickadees.  It is a safe place to grow up for two generations of Finches, total 8 baby birds.  One baby finch was born up there so far.  There is also a nectar feeder hanging up on the balcony ceiling for the Hummingbird while Lucy watches intently.  Maurice is a gentle soul that leaves the bird alone.

I am up here in my balcony looking down the garden.
Garden taken up from the balcony

Garden taken up from the balcony

I was up to having fun when I posted this: How’s your mental state?  So, what’s up with you?
Related link:  April 19, 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge: Up

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