I am Life

Have you been told to get a life?  And how do you respond to that? 
It’s an asinine statement!  How do you get a life?  My response is: 
I breathe life and I exhale life.  What I breathe out is food for the plants.
I take care of two unwanted cats and looked for the owners of cats I found.
I provided bird houses for Finches and Chickadees to raise their family.
I grew vegetables for others’ nourishment.
I planted flowering plants for birds, bees, butterflies and other winged insects. 
I cared for children with AIDs
I volunteered at the hospice.
I thought students with learning disabilities to read.
I raised funds for non-profit organizations.
I fostered children. 
I make an honest living.
I help people who are in dire need.
I support the education system.
I became a Big Sister.
I bowled for Big Brothers. 
I help strangers that sustained an injury.
I cleaned up old folks apartments.
I entertained the lonely dwellers in our building.
I urge people to grow anything on their balcony.
I saved life of a hummingbird, lady bug, baby turtles. 
And, then some…. 
Now, ask me again to get a life.
With all due respect, let me ask you, what kind of life do you live?

27 thoughts on “I am Life

      • hehe,,i was in the USA, in Atlanta for a month visiting my brother and my sis in law 😀 i had a wonderful time there..i didn;t want to leave and come back to UAE 😦 it was an awesome break from those crzy exams!! BTW i passed awesomely!! my results were good 🙂 ur now talking to a physiotherapist 😉 😛 How are you doing???

      • OMG. Congratulations. Wonderbar!!! Oh goody, you can now make real money. Can you come over to Vancouver and fix my back once and for all 😆 Now, start writing about your escaped. Welcome back, mischie. 😛

  1. This is what it is, life. The be actively involved. To be truly alive with others and for others. This is a very beautiful post, really. Thank you, bowing.

  2. You are life itself! Many I’ve come across who want to “have a life” usually think that it’s about having and spending money, drinking, partying, and feel that animals and children, or caring for anyone or anything is a burden and hindrance to getting/having a life. Ironically they are the ones who do not live life.

  3. Have people really said that to you? Aargh! Indeed, I hate that statement as well. It’s usually said by those who need to live more and/or better. I love the poem very much, and the meaning behind it … Thank you. Again, you made me pause and smile! 🙂

  4. Yes, I’ve been told to get a life and I probably said this to someone else. This is one of those childhood phrases that we pick up. If the person didn’t have someone show them their language and help them take a look at what they are saying then more than likely they will continue to use the same language. Yes, the statement doesn’t make sense. We will say things because of our beliefs, feelings and judgments. To say get a life is a judgment because as you say I am life, we are all life. More than likely the person who said this judged them self when someone else said this to them. We can help each other by gently showing each other our language, which isn’t always easy because we learn to take things personally.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.