May the force be with you

Star Wars second sequel “The Empire Strikes Back” is the best in this trilogy, in my opinion.  
This movie brought out so much sense and wonder in me.  It’s a cheap thrill to be entertained and come out of the movie feeling good and courageous.  I am ready to fight my battle and face the evil dark force that surrounds me every moment.  I can literally hear Yoda: “Perpetua, beware of the dark force.” 
Yoda has so much wisdom in that little body.  This character embodies peace and compassion akin to godliness.   He has a funny way of talking that I am much too familiar, clipped way of talking similar to non-English speaking people. 
I went too far in cutting out Yoda’s wisdom and placed it on the door of the refrigerator.  
Do or Do not…  
Do not open the fridge and just to look what’s in it, stare at an empty fridge or be fickle thinking what to cook.  DO NOT leave the fridge door open for a long time otherwise the penguins are coming. 
Do throw away the leftover food.  There’s no room for science culture.  Penicillin has already been discovered. 
Ah, Yoda, full of wisdom. 
Wars do not make one great.  Adventure.  Heh!  Excitement.  Heh!  A Jedi cares not these things.  You must unlearn what you have learned.  Try not.  Do.  Or do not.  There is no try. 
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.  That is the way of things. 
The way of the Force.  A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.  Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate you.  Your destiny, consume you it will.  Beware of the dark side … anger, fear, aggression. 
You must feel the Force around you.  Through the Force, things you will see.  Other places.  The future, the past, old friends long gone. 
Size matters not.  If you choose the quick and the easy path, you will become an agent of evil.  Control, control.  You must learn control.  Mind what you have learned.  Save you it can. 
May the force be with you.

21 thoughts on “May the force be with you

    • I just love Yoda’s wisdom and I can watch Return of the Jedi over and over again. Stare? too late. The penguins are knocking at the door.

      • I loved your use of yoda’s quotes. I think George Lucas was a great reader of Joseph Campbell, the great collector of mythic stories and archetypes, because he had all the right pieces. And I loved the young conflicted Annakin Skywalker. Headstrong, powerful, but like many of us impatient.
        Great stuff.

      • George must have read enormous info of different believe system and to use Force as the One is brilliant. Yah, patience is a virtue and I think it comes with maturity and aging.

  1. Thank you for today’s post Perpetua! One of my favorite things I’d say…I’m trying. Those words could still come out of my mouth, if they do grateful to see because there is no such thing as trying. The Spirit of God was definitely speaking through the writer (George Lucas ?) of Yoda. My son was into Star Wars when he was young and I remember taking him to a one (maybe The Phantom Menace) of the movies and I know at that time, I wasn’t fully taking in and aware of the richness in the lines. Perhaps I should watch them all again. 🙂 Blessings, Pam

    • There is so much spirituality in Yoda if one is open and willing to listen. There is no Try, Heh! Watch it again with your children and see where it will take you this time. Glad you enjoyed Yoda, Pam.

  2. No better way to start the day; “Wars do not make one great. Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi cares not these things. You must unlearn what you have learned. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

    Right on!

    have a grat day 🙂

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