Courage of Ordinary People

Every year, six ordinary people are awarded the Courage to Comeback Award.  The 2013 recipients are:
 Their experiences and lives inspire me to face my own battle.  If they can do it, so can I.  
Sam Sullivan 2010 Olympics

Sam Sullivan 2010 Olympics

What Mayor Sullivan said in this live stream, echoes what I thought of in moments of despair.  There is miracle in everyday life and power in listening to other’s stories.  Even the dull and ignorant have stories to tell.  
We’ve come to share our stories of joy and sadness, health and illness, humour and rant; and in doing so we’ve come closer to one another even though we are all strangers to one another. 
“By seeing the very best of others: courage, faith, hope, endurance; we will see ourselves what we become.” 
Let us be supportive to one another.  
Related links from The Province newspaper:

12 thoughts on “Courage of Ordinary People

  1. Incredible! Thank you, P! What a wonderful award … I’d never heard of it before. BTW, I’m sending you a bill for a box of kleenex!! 🙂

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