What-If-It-Sucks Syndrome

Who cares if our blog is not up to your standard. Just write, right! It’s my blog and it happens that I am entertaining myself. So forget about having that jittery nerves of “What If” I don’t have enough likes or comments. Who cares. Miss Four Eyes has something to say about this.

Miss Four Eyes

My name is Four Eyes, and I suffer from the What-If-It-Sucks Syndrome.

What-If-It-Sucks Syndrome: A mental state where a person second guesses everything they do. This includes but is not exclusive to writing, talking, blogging, and less commonly gift-giving. Symptoms may occur at any given point, and last for indefinite amounts of time.

I’m down. My batteries need recharging. I don’t know what’s happening. My head isn’t working! Work, damn it, work! I haven’t been able to think of a single thing to write. I start writing something, and then stop after I’ve decided that it’s a stupid idea.

There’s an evil voice inside our head that tells us we can’t do something. It’s a voice I’ve plotted to murder many (many, many, many) times (and quite violently). It comes back no matter what. I guess the only thing we can do about it is tell it to shut up and go…

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