30×30 at Play

This is the third week of David Suzuki’s challenge to take 30 minutes of outdoor activity daily for the month of May.  I am having so much fun with the challenge.

He has the right idea for the child in me ~ Playtime.  Of course, I have a playmate, my nephew’s son; Baby James.

 look ma no hands 

Here are a few games you can play in nature as suggested by David:

•Hunt for bugs! Try to spot one you’ve never seen before, then find out what it is. (Be sure to put the bugs back where you found them.)

•Grab that kite that’s been gathering dust and fly it in a nearby park.

•Indulge your inner child, and climb a tree or roll down a hill. Or better yet, take a child with you.

•Go on a simple nature scavenger hunt. Search for something feathered, something with legs, something very old, and something changing.

•Invite family or friends for an after-dinner stroll down a green street.

•This weekend, take a hike in a local park or conservation area.

•Head to the nearest woods for a “forest bath.” This Japanese practice improves sleep and increases vigor.

•Get your feet wet: head to the nearest body of water and dip your toes in.

•How long has it been since you’ve skipped stones? Visit your nearest creek or pond and try your hand.

•Make a mud pie. You know you want to.

•Take a walk in a park or a forest and search for animal homes. What kind of creatures lives there?

Most importantly, have fun!

Related links:

27 thoughts on “30×30 at Play

    • I did go on a scavenger hunt yesterday after work all by myself, TK. It was fun and I took tons of pictures. Go out and bring a camera. Good Day, TK. 😛

      • You know, the strangest thing happened to me last week-end. I was going to take a picture on Mother’s Day. I saw that the camera needed recharging, so I picked it up … Now I can’t find it anywhere! I’e been looking for it ever since!

        I know that this was when I was writing that article and that I wasn’t myself. But really, how can I lose a camera? I’m usually the one to find anything … Ummm, I think I’ll call on St. Anthony …


      • Not yet, but he usually helps me within a day … stay tuned!

        Btw, I just re-blogged an article … let me know what you think.

        Hope you a good day, and have a good evening, P! 🙂

      • that was a good reblog, TK. Starting to relax now after a long day and now I have to buy battery for the mouse, otherwise, can’t use the system properly.

  1. Now these all sounds like brilliant weekend activities – it’s been ages since I’ve gotten my toes wet in something other than a bath!!
    Thanks P 😉

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