
One has to travel full of gadgets nowadays in order to be “in”.  Cell phone, Iphone, Ipads. 
IPads … hmm… doesn’t that require a WiFi? 
I wonder if there’s an internet service in heaven?  


I bought an Apple just for this trip.
I wonder if God let Mr. Job in heaven?
  Mr. Job are you there?.

Apple IPad

Apple IPad

Related Article:  Naramata – God’s country

36 thoughts on “Apple

      • … and I’ll bet the kitties are happy that you are back, eh? Are you getting rain? It’s almost a non-stop here for that past few days, and more on the way … yech!

      • I’m trying, but I have a lot of errands to do … I wear glasses, and I find this the only reason I don’t like rain. I either wear them and they get wet, or I don’t wear them and I can’t make much out because I need my glasses … I’m still looking for a way around that … 🙂

  1. Ha ha! I LOVE the cartoon! And isn’t it interesting that now that we are in the throes of the so-called “Information Age” there is so much coming at us that science suggests we’re getting dumbed-down? And time disappears down some virtual rabbit hole…. The more I know, the less I accomplish! Blame it on technology! 🙂

      • When I experience that sense of “so little time,” I stop. And when I stop, time too slows down to the beat of my metronome. When I hurry, time too speeds up. It is the core of my habit of daily meditation, to slow “life” to a manageable measurement that supports me, as opposed to the other way around. I find I only think clearly when I flow instead of stress. Breathe…. There are lessons to learn in that breath that are as important or moreso than those lessons we strive to grasp in the hurried.
        LOVE this comment. It compelled me to stop. 😉

      • Jan, you are absolutely right! It’s in the breating that our action is carried away. Love your comment, too. 😛

  2. Indeed…I do travel with all these gadgets! iPhone is my camera and video-camera, note taker, email tool…and iPad is my back up camera and video -camera in case the iphone runs out of battery. iPad is definitely good for personal use when there is wi-fi in the hotel. happy traveling, apple fans!

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