Hello World…. Come to Canada…Today

Come and join us in celebrating Canada Day, today, July 1st. 
In Vancouver, British Columbia, it will be an all day music, entertainment, and activities for the whole family.  Other events are: 
  • Citizenship Ceremony
  • Great Canadian Invention Hall
  • Port Metro Vancouver Zone
  • Extreme Sports Show
  • Canada’s Army, Navy and Air Force
  • Buskers and roaming entertainment
  • Food vendors offering cuisine from across Canada
  • Canada Day Parade
  • Canada Day Burrard Inlet Fireworks Show 
Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

My friends
Love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better that despair.
Let us be
Loving, helpful and optimistic.
Quote from a great Canadian
Jack Layton 1950-2011
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49 thoughts on “Hello World…. Come to Canada…Today

  1. Hi Perpetua, I’m having problems with my blog name :/ currently I’m working from lucylivg29.wordpress.com but I can’t get it sorted! Ahhh!

    It seemed like a good idea at the time 😉


    • Oh dear, can you get Support to help you out? Hindsight is 20/20. Eek… that’s is why I wouldn’t dare to touch what I have. Good luck, Lucy.

    • Thank you, JT. I am. Hope your book is already printed. You are such a prolific writer that I cannot keep up with you. However, I still love that Legacy you wrote. Perpetua.

      • Alas, no. The edits are done and the formatting looks pretty good. But I can’t find a cover designer, I can’t get the finished product to convert to Kindle format properly, and I’m not real happy with the overall book design either. Meanwhile stories 1-45 remain up for all to enjoy while I continue to try to figure this all out. Other than that, life is a peach!!

      • Good stuff… take your time in finding the right stuff for your book. Are you ready for USofA day yet?

      • You mean 7/4? I think the tinsel has worn off that particular holiday since I was in my last parade in 1954. 7/4 in Boston is a real kick and also in Williamsburg, VA is pretty cool as well.

  2. A nice, happy and patriotic post to begin the day! Happy Canada Day, dear neighbor and sister blogger!

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