Welcome Back

Sometimes, people come; people go.  When one disappears in the blogging world, I am curious about what happened to them.  With a little bit of time and plenty of patience from me without intruding, they do come back.  
There are some that commented on my post and I happened to visit their site.  Lo and behold, I enjoyed my visit. 
There are some that I requested if they can include a translation button so I may be able to read their post in English.  Lo and behold, request granted. 
These are all good moments for me and then some. 
Praying for one day and Ajaytao presented an award to me, Best Moment.  Another good moment and I thank you both.
The following bloggers have given me a Best Moment. In appreciation, I am passing forward this award as a welcome back present.  You may accept this or not, just the same, it’s a token of my appreciation.
My Dog A Blog
Determined 34
State of Globe
99 Ways to be Kind
Lahija Decaf
Edwin Colonpagan
Journey to Happy Many Paths
Jim’s Camino de Santiago
Liberty of Thinking

18 thoughts on “Welcome Back

  1. Just logged in as promised. 🙂
    Thank you for welcoming us back. I am honored to receive your nomination. 🙂
    Let me readjust first and I will do my chore. 🙂

  2. OMG I was just reading your post and realised Monty and I were listed. That is so very kind of you! Thank you so much – such beautiful words. Congratulations on your award! : ))))))

  3. Awesome speech xx
    And you deserve these kids of awards. “Moments” are things you create..
    Could you imagine a life with no moments? It is people like you who make this world a better place and a more tolerant place..

    Hugs from a friend in a kilt..
    Shaun x x

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