James, My Reflections

Many times I have mentioned to you about A Day of Grace how it enriches my life. I invite you to come and join us.


This month all the devotions were from the book of James.  This was the first book I studied when I began my journey on this path of faith and my eyes and heart were opened wide and I learned much about the everyday life of being a follower of Christ.   This month my eyes and heart were once again opened wide and I learned new lessons and learned again some things had gotten lost in the clutter of life.

 Here are some of my reflections:

  • Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials…

There will be trials.  Trials are a given and they are a testing of our faith and are meant to develop perseverance.  Persevering brings us to maturity of faith and makes us complete in Christ.

  • Do not merely listen to the word…Do it…

Faith is not meant to be passive it is to be active.  As…

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