Where do you belong?

Where do you belong? 
The organizer of a church seminar asked me this question.  It was very important for her that I answer the question correctly.  What she means by that was which Church am I registered?
For one thing, in my mind, the World is my Church.  I am  not registered to any Catholic Churches; therefore, I belong to all. 
That didn’t fly very well with her.
Oh, no.  You must register to a church because when you die, you need a church for your Christian burial service.
How do I reply to that?  Facetiously.
For one thing, when I am dead, what do I know where I will be.  The second thing, it is really up to my family who will decide which church they will have a funeral mass.
Silence and end of conversation in a car filled with other people.
In terms of what activities I join or minister, I can say the same thing.  I go where the spirit moves me.
Let me tell you a story.
After church, I have nothing better to do but wandered around the church basement.  In the basement, the toilet facility is huge, library and the kitchen.
Pssst….  I heard someone called me.  A voice coming from the kitchen.
What are you doing?  She asked.
Nothing.  I responded.
Want to help us? She asked.
Sure.  I responded with no hesitation.
This is what I call answering to the Spirit.  No hesitation.
I was assigned to prepare a fruit platter.
While we were busy working away in the kitchen, we told stories to one another, plenty of jokes to go around and so much laughter.  On top of that, we can sample the  food.
In the middle of having fun, a fellow parishioner saw me and he was surprised to see me helping out.
He is a very active man in Knights of Columbus and he said: “Sis, will you come and help us in food preparation during the Knights events?”
Sure, as long as I become an honorary Knight.  I want to wear the cape, hat and raise the sword.  I answered jokingly.
He turned around and left.
Men, they have no sense of humour.
The number one ministry I support is Talitha Koum Society mainly because I was there when it all started from the beginning.  Most of my donations go to the house to help women live a better life.
Back to any activities, in my mind, work is very pleasant when I do service filled by the Spirit.  And I do it for my God.
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19 thoughts on “Where do you belong?

  1. I agree with you. There are also so many churches to choose from, and enough to sample each during a year. Each have their pros and cons. I don’t see reason to choose an absolute one either! Very good story too. 🙂

  2. I am affiliated with a specific congregation here, but I hardly ever go there. Am much more active in my mom’s church, and I presume, should I die before her, that’s where I’ll be sent on my way from.
    As you, I hold my belief in my heart – it’s a very personal thing, your religion. And I don’t hold with having to belong to any specific place, as long as I have my joy…

  3. You’re saying a true thing. Church membership shouldnt be determinded by where we want to be buried when dead, but by where we can be of positive use to God,right?

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