You think you have problem?

I burnt my lunch because I got carried away reading people’s post.  I ended up fasting until dinner time. Not eating gave me a humongous headache.  And just take a look at this.  Who has a problem?

28 Cats Having A Way Worse Day Than You


29 thoughts on “You think you have problem?

      • Why spend that much? Here’s a tip. Go to a fast food joint and befriend someone cleaning plates or dishwasher. Since they throw food stuffs away, why not recycle the leftovers. If they do not give the food to the homeless, then pets should have them for free. That way, less food waste.

  1. Yeah, so here’s the irony: I came to visit this page earlier today. Rufus sat his bum bum on my keyboard. I wanted to let you know just how much I loved your video … But that was difficult to do at the time!
    So please let me repeat this: I LOVED the video! Thank you, P, for shaing it with us! I appreciate the smiles you send my way! 🙂

  2. LOL…me too, once I nearly dried up the re-heating curry while doing my blog reading…luckily I manged to re-hydrate it and turning it into part of my posts…hehe…

    Thank you for sharing and have a great day ahead, always~ Cheers!! 😀

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