Everything else is secondary.

This showed up in my Facebook with a comment:

“This so true!”

I scanned it, read it, re-read it and read it slowly.  Somehow this quote is not sitting well with me.

So I commented to the sender:

“What else is missing in this article?”


“Is everything else is secondary?”

I will leave this question open for you.


21 thoughts on “Everything else is secondary.

  1. I have a print-out of this quote which i’ve been using as a bookmark for the past year. I find it really inspiring. I guess I just focus on the advice to listen to your own inner voice and follow your heart. : ))

  2. I will hover between the two. If you take everything and everybody into account before you do anything for yourself, you will be left behind – these are facts. But that’s not to say that you should blindly walk on as if you’re the only one that matters…

  3. Perpetua,
    I had a similar reaction the first time I saw this quote. Yes, it’s good to be confident, but I also think it is important to listen to other people’s ideas and be humble. We don’t always have all the answers. I guess in a sense, I don’t entirely agree with the quote. What I do agree with is the idea of being yourself and not pretending to be something you’re not to impress others. Does that makr sense? 🙂
    – Claudia

  4. Everything else is not secondary. Although it is invigorating to be true to oneself and one’s dreams/ intuition, there is the impact of our thoughts/ actions/ consideration of others- people, animals, the planet. And so, that is why I have $800.00 in the bank and Steve Jobs’ net worth is 10.2 billion…

    I will still pursue my dream, but must feed the kitties and consider the impact upon the household…

  5. I have to warn you that my response got quite lengthy and don’t feel compelled to read it all. Also, it gets political at the end.

    Did you Jobs’ biography? He was a remarkable person. I suspect no one else could have built, nor saved, Apple. But he was a near total jerk. The same obsessiveness that enabled him to create Apple lead him to casually destroy people. It also led him to make the decisions concerning his medical care that resulted in his death far before it should have occurred had he listened to others.

    What Jobs says in the quote above is superficially attractive I suppose – i.e., you are very smart and contain within you a wise inner voice that will steer you right if you let it. However, a moment’s reflection will tell you that is not true for most people. Even worse, Job’s idea that you should not pay attention to anyone’s opinion but your own works if you are a genius bully but I don’t recommend it for most people. His “me at all costs and to hell with what you think philosophy” badly damaged Apple at many turns. Apple needed Jobs but it would have been a much better company if Jobs had been more willing to listen to other voices. All of this said I also suspect that great enterprises often require people like Jobs. I used to work at a place not all that different from Apple (hugely successful, complete with genius entrepreneur who was obsessed with her business, which was akin to her child), If I stayed I would be very wealthy now, but she wanted me to make the company my life and that wasn’t what I was looking for. I think if you stay at a place like Apple and similar places, you can pay a heavy price and/or reap great rewards. It is your choice. I don’t know where you live nor do I have any real idea of what your politics are so excuse me if I offend you but what Jobs says ties in with the state of politics in the U.S. I have no problem at all with the self-made people of the world reaping their rewards, however, we have now arrived at a place where we have a small group of elites who were born to wealth and who by manipulating the system have become obscenely wealthy and have the same philosophy that Jobs expressed above (Jobs was socially liberal while most of these people are not). Many of these people are very, very smart, but they don’t care about anyone else but themselves. It is specifically with those people that a philosophy like Jobs’ (or like Any Rand’s for that matter) have the potential for great mischief. A little bully is one thing; a big bully who controls the reins of government is something else entirely.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.