Hide and Seek

It’s time for me to play a game.  I am really good on playing this by myself because the world is a one big playground.  
You can hide from me and eventually I will find you.  Count from zero to infinitum and eyes wide open.  Surprise me or maybe I will surprise you!
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

Source: ambiendew.tumblr.com

Hi Everyone:  I am away and will try my best to link up with you while I am out walking doing the yearly pilgrimage.

 Take Care and Pax Tecum.  Seeker. 
Related Link: The world is our playground 

18 thoughts on “Hide and Seek

  1. I hope, P, that you not only find what you are looking for, but that you find many, many gifts along the way! Only thing I ask, is come back to us safely! My prayers will follow you! 🙂

      • Heh, you are replying to many comments even when your otherwise busy … Kudos to you, and don’t worry about it. Do what you need to. 🙂

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