Walk Update…

This is the written itinerary.  I don’t know if this would be exactly what I am doing and where I am at right now.

Today our walk starts at Samos with its majestic monastery founded in the 6th century and filled with art treasures. There is a large cloister with interesting carved keystones. Most depict religious themes related to the Benedictines but one has an amusing hieroglyphic which says (in Latin), “What are you looking at, stupid?” (Monks walking the cloister were not supposed to be gazing at the ceiling.) Part of the monastery was destroyed by fire in 1951 when the still that was being used to make liqueur exploded!

Source: Walkers World

Source: Walkers World

We walk on a tranquil, hamlet-laden trail through gently rolling countryside. The trail winds alongside jewel-like green fields and between stone fences covered with blackberries and wild-flowers. Occasionally walkers must stop as a farmer uses the trail to herd his cows into a field. The family farm is still in existence here and the region is noted for its wonderful cheese.

Today is Thanksgiving day.  At this moment I am thankful for these feet, boots and walking sticks.

Thanksgiving Day 2013

Thanksgiving Day 2013

There are so much to be thankful for such as the gift of life and faith: family, friends and strangers,: air, water, earth and fire: all things great and small, food, clothing and shelter,, and to the blogging community.  I am grateful for all of these and then some.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day everyone.

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ” ~  Meister Eckhart

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