A Revelation

WYA Revolution is a project started by a young man named Jon Jorgenson It is a new project that seeks to remind everyone, young and old, that you are loved. No matter who you are, or what you’ve done – you are loved!

Life is an adventure, and it can be a difficult adventure from time to time. Everyone goes through moments (or long periods) where they feel as though the whole deck is stacked against them. We can feel defeated, unloved, unlovable, renounced, and/or forgotten. But, these are the moments that God loves us the most.

Jon Jorgenson speaks to this in his new videos for the Anima Series. There is one for women, and another for men. They are both really powerful, so I encourage you to watch them both.


To play the video for men, please click on The Love Revolution,

13 thoughts on “A Revelation

  1. Loved this cid. I also wanted to thank you for re-posting my poem yesterday. I’m glad you felt it said something that allowed you to, for me, make the biggest compliment of all, you want to give up space on your site. Thanks again.>KB

    • KB, I should call you Mr. Wilde with your gravatar. It is my pleasure to let the blogging world how wonderful your style of writing. I gave in to power of words instead of giving up a space. You are welcome.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.