Haunting: The little girl did it.

The  body parts littered on the lawn: three heads of children with creepy crawlers going into their eyes.  What a gory sight.  I wondered who with the right mind could do such a thing.  Macabre!

No one was around and with my quick thinking, I pulled my camera to take pictures as evidence.  As a witness to a crime scene, I must take notes and collect evidence to back up my story.

Kneeling on the grass, I positioned myself as close as possible to the heads and tried not to touch the icky-yucky crawlers.  Click, click, click.  And more clicks, taking more shots as quickly as possible because I am just so excited with the situation.

As I was about to get up, a mother and a little girl came around.  I was surprised by their presence being caught in their lawn.  I quickly got up on my two shaky legs and before I could say something, the little girl exclaimed, “I did that.  Yup, I took them apart and put them there”.  She said this proudly and her Mom just smiled at me.

The next door neighbour is no better.  It’s a Dead Zone!


p style=”text-align:center;”>Dead Zone

The whole nine yards turned into cemetery.  It appears that dead bodies were dug out from the grave.  Skulls and skeletons, feet, legs, torso and an empty can of pop.  The pop will surely have finger prints of the murder or murderers.

As I was about to collect the pop can, the haunting chased me away.  The ghosts of poor souls remained on earth and never rested.  Rest In peace, my friends, rest in peace.  I promise I will find who did this unspeakable acts and said a short prayer “Have mercy on these poor souls” as I took my leave.


14 thoughts on “Haunting: The little girl did it.

  1. loved this post! i really don’t get the whole ‘lets dig up the yard and put tombstones in’ thing- i guess it’s its cultural (as i am a scot, with all that ‘hell, fire and damnation lurking in my distant past!)
    i spend a lot of time in arizona and they really do embrace the macabre aspects of this event.

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