Sierra del Pardon – Mount of Forgiveness

To reach the Mount of Forgiveness, it’s an uphill battle in an open windy country side.  The sign says 4.3 km of steady incline.

From the distance I can see the electricity wind generators, in short windmills. towering the sky.

The ascent to be forgiven offered a rewarding sight as we steadily climbed up.  The view offers vast farming land with different shades of earth.  The panorama shows an expressive Spanish landscape of the country side.

I’ve counted over a dozen of gigantic windmills and the turbine whirling louder as I get closer.  Once on top, a metal sculpture of pilgrims on foot and on horse reveals the nature of the walk.

We were not the only group on top for many have passed here before as depicted on the sculpture and many will still come.

Mount of Forgiveness

“Where the path of the stars meets the path of the wind”.

13 thoughts on “Sierra del Pardon – Mount of Forgiveness

  1. What a rewarding trip! A steady incline does usually reward us along the way, encourages us to keep on the path … Wonderful post, Perpetua … Thank you! 🙂

  2. Gorgeous image, full of symbols. Suggest before anything else, the eternal story of the knight with the sad countenance, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha…

    • I did not expect to see those sculptures when I reached the top. It was a pleasant surprise. Even the road is flat it is still a battle to seek forgiveness. Thanks, P.

  3. I did not know what this photo is about or where you are/were until I looked at the tags. Such a contrast of good things. The turbines are good but an eye sore. The sculptures that appear to be made of iron are beautiful. I like the donkeys and the fact that a dog was included. Did you go there to do the special walk? I have read, I think, of a pilgrim’s walk across Spain or something to the effect. The walk is supposed to be healing. I will have to look that up in Sir Google. 🙂 ~yvonne

    • I joined the Walkers World for 15 days of walking the Camino The turbines are quite magnificent and beneficial for generating electricity. Watch the movie “The Way” by Martin Sheen. This will give you an idea, Yvonne. It’s a good Hollywood show. Seeker.

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