Room with a view – Burgos Cathedral

“Gratia Dei Sum Quod Sum” ~ By God’s grace I am what I am.

Upon opening the window of the hotel we stayed at Burgos, the gothic Cathedral is right in front of me.  We spend the night at the Hotel Meson del Cid, a former convent which faces onto the cathedral plaza in the historic quarter of the city. It is an amazing masterpiece of French Gothic fantasy that dominates the town center.

Room with a view

Room with a view

The interior houses many masterpieces in the cathedral especially the starry dome.

The gilded stairway (Escalera Dorada) is a masterpiece of the purest Italian Renaissance style was once open. Pilgrims used to walk down these steps to enter the Cathedral and now the entrance is permanently closed to keep the beauty of the stairway.

Burgos is a pilgrims’ road to Camino de Santiago and declared as world heritage by UNESCO.  The city of Burgos  seems like a fairy tale where the castle, palaces and monasteries show the city’s past grandeur.  Walking away towards the foothills along the bank of the river gave me the best view of spires of the towers of this immense cathedral.

Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral

We stayed for two nights at El Cid hotel and a day to soak the historical beauty of Burgos.

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