The worst storm on record

David Suzuki talked about climate change and the weather in the whole world is affected. Please sign the petition so we can help nurture Mother Earth. Thank you.


Dear friends,


The worst storm on record has devastated the people of the Philippines, and scientists say climate change fueled it. Leaders are meeting right now to decide whether to pay billions promised to help vulnerable countries recover from and protect against these climate disasters. Money that could go directly to helping the Philippines rebuild. The Filipino negotiator just went on a hunger strike for action and has started a petition on Avaaz — let’s stand with him:

The horror of what’s happened in the Philippines is unimaginable. Ten thousand people wiped away by a 25ft wall of water driven by 300km/h winds. A city of 200,000 people looks like a nuclear bomb hit it. It’s the worst storm on record, but it’s just the beginning, unless we act.

Right now the world’s powers are in a global climate conference talking about whether to hand over billions…

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9 thoughts on “The worst storm on record

  1. Sadly this is not the worst to come. I don’t wish to predict doom and gloom. But the calm after the storm will be the best.
    My prayers are with all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world.
    Blessings to them all yisraela

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