Guess who’s coming to town

Yesterday’s event section at Metro News: Hilary Clinton headed to Vancouver as a keynote speaker on March 5, 2014 for an event on Women’s Leadership Circle.  Expected cost $600 a ticket.

z hilary clinton

As much as I want to see Hilary, $600 dollars will go a long way not for me but to the needy.

The purpose of this post is to challenge the Vancouverites instead of spending it for the Leadership Circle to hear  Hilary, donate this money to the needy in Vancouver.  Or better yet, send it to the Philippines for emergency relief.  Canada will match your dollar.

Be a servant leader instead.

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20 thoughts on “Guess who’s coming to town

  1. We certainly get our fair share of “big name” speakers here, and most of them surely ask a lot for the privilege of listening to them. However, we do get a few that don’t charge much. Just two weeks ago I had the pleasure of listening to Marcia Clark talk about her books … I loved the evening!!

    I agree that we should give it to the Philippines’! And with Harper matching our contribution, it’s well worth it! I’m certainly grateful that we haven’t had such disasters befall Ottawa!

    Great post, P! Let’s light the fire under peoples … well, you know! 🙂

      • I’ve enjoyed her talking as a guest on different crime shows, finding that I often agree with her views..She has since published two crime books. To see her in person, listening to her (there were also three other writers on the panel), was so cool for me!
        The tickets were only about $10 or so.
        Do you like reading fiction? What kind?

        Oh, and did you hear that the vatican found bone fragments that they think belonged to St Peter? Wow!!

    • I’ve read all sorts of fiction books, nothing in particular. I used to collect them and I got smart. Library.

      Yes! I saw in one the Catholic Links in FB. I’ll share it with you.

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