A writer and a poet

Two people that are faithful to each other’s writing.  And they are both worthy of one another.  I find them beautiful.

z writing

A writer:

…  and silent; and silence is not always a bad thing.  And silence is not always a good thing.  I’m late, and I’m silent, and my brilliant and beautiful wife has stumbled into slumber, which is a rational thing to do.  There was some kind of get-to-gether last night all over the continent, and their focus was to turn their clocks back one hour.  I was convinced to jump in on the madness, and that might be why I’m really tired and it is only 11:02 pm.  Seems later.  Apparently we were all supposed to “fall back” …

My (currently silent) partner, just broke her silence from her slumber and told me respectfully, “Its time to stop your computing, Dear.  Its time to go to bed.  So, I guess I will end with … Find your voice; rejoice; pray and listen.  This week grab wisdom, and don’t be stupid.  Peace, you guys,

A Poet

Silence is neither always good nor bad,
but it is what clings to you late into the night.
My settled wife has stumbled into settled slumber,
a rational thing to do I’d agree, but still,
here I am, bone weary, too drained to get up and join her.

The continent this night got together to turn their clocks
upside down and backside front, and—convinced as I was
to connive in on the madness—I think that explains me
somehow: I was supposed to fall back and apparently I did,
because whatever time it is, it’s too late for me now.
“Dear, come to bed.”

Find your voice. Rejoice. Pray and listen.
This week grab wisdom and don’t be stupid.
I went to bed.

 Links to read more about them.
The writer:  Find your voice, find your voice and listen 
The poet:  Just what time is it anyway
With special thanks to The Mirror Obscura  for pointing Book of Pain.
Photo credit: Helium.com

14 thoughts on “A writer and a poet

  1. WOW. John EMAILed me and put the link in for this post, Seeker. This was very creative. My morale (for lack of better word) for the day just went up several notches. Your blog is great, and I glad I follow “The Seeker”. Have a good, peaceful, weekend. T

    • T. is that you? It’s a paradox that I am trying to understand different ways of writing since it’s doesn’t come to me naturally. English is my second language. Blessings.

  2. Seeker, thank you! What a lovely and suitable way to summarize the exchange! The pairing of what T. wrote that I read and what I ended up writing in the poem is very powerful. Thank you so much! I now feel doubly honored.

    • John, both of you are great writers in different ways. I learn by “comparison” how one writes. Thank you so much for a great example of different ways of writing. Seeker.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.