No Expection = unexpected delightful surprises

Travel agents provide suggested reading list and itinerary of daily activities so that we know what to expect.  Did I read any of the books?  No.  Did I read the itinerary?  A little bit.  Should I have read everything given to me and expected them to fulfill what was written, I will be totally surprised and disappointed.

I say surprise me!  I am going out for a walk and I don’t want to think about this stuff.

“The best things in life are unexpected – because there were no expectations.” ~ Eli Khamarov

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The walk is along the plains with flat easy walking on a beautiful sunny day with subtle breeze to keep us cool.  I could never have conceived that I would ever walk the Camino de Santiago.  From a small clipping I cut out in 2004, tuck it away and looked at it from time to time.  Finally, I am here.  It was astonishing to me, and still is.  This is so unexpected to be at the field of the Lord.

One thing that took my breath away is a field that is astonishing, a field of never-ending Sunflowers.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

With all these heavy heads, they seem to be bowing down except for one.  This face stood out to greet me beaming with delight and happy to see me.

Smiling Sunflower

“The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.” ~ G. K. Chesterton

At end of our walk there is a picnic lunch waiting for hungry and tired pilgrims.  Our guides provided us with a good spread of late lunch and it is always a surprise to see what kind of feast they will offer.  This time, caviar and anchovy were part of the menu.  My palate was singing Alleluia for such delectable morsels.

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“Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the ‘Titanic’ who waved off the dessert cart.” ~ Erma Bombeck

Everything seems to be a dream and if I am dreaming I want to stay asleep for a little bit longer.  And I found this shirt at a hamlet where we stop by for coffee at the bar.

Live your dreams

One of the travellers asked me if our trip is what I expected.  Hell no.  Beyond expectations filed with unexpected delightful surprises.

24 thoughts on “No Expection = unexpected delightful surprises

  1. “The traveller sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.” ~ G. K. Chesterton <– I absolutely love this line! Unfortunately, I'm a planner. But thank goodness, I also "just walk" to experience the moment. It is good to have balance. 🙂

  2. Glad you had a wonderful trip. That meal at the end of “el camino” looks tasty.

    Fran and I haven’t yet done a group travel tour. When we travel every two years, we spend 6 months planning – pouring over maps, destinations and events in the evenings. We find it half the fun of the trip. We most certainly always love the unexpected thingas that occur along the way.

    One things I recall as I travel, was told to me be New Mexico tribal police officer – “always know where you are.” Seems like simple advice, though it isn’t always easy – it really keeps me aware.

    Lovely post, Seeker, and an inspiring pilgrimage.

    • I suppose if one goes in unchartered territory, one has to be aware and knows where one is. I would be too. Yes, planning is half of the fun as if you are already there when planning. In younger days, I used to take off with me and my car and a friend. Just ride to where the sun is shinning. No map. It was fun.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.