18 thoughts on “Nothing

  1. I remember when it was on in prime time, there were people who thought it was wrong to laugh at a show about a POW camp. There were two men that worked in the theater with me. They always got together and compared laughs about the show they saw the night before. One of the men was captured in Dunkirk and spent the entire war as a German prisoner. The other was shot down on a bombing raid and spent 2 years as a German POW.
    If those two could laugh at the show, I knew that my laughing at it, was okay.

    • Thank you, Don for sharing this story. Yes, it’s a sensitive issue when someone has gone through the experience. We just don’t know how it affects them and yet we are merely laughing at a show not at them.

  2. What a classic – I grew up with this show and STILL use those very words “I know nothing” with that unique accent at times, lol. Thank you for the trip down memory lane – I can smell the cane fires now! 🙂

  3. Amazing and Thank you for writing which is quite good and best wishes always, and greetings. Kindness blossoms in your heart

    • That show won an Academy award. Light bulb flashing, thanks for switching it on. Gives me an idea for Boxing day event show time. Thank you, KB. Time for hilarity.

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