A Community: Local Public Market

Visiting the public market in a another country is one thing I include in my itinerary with or without the help of a guide.

Vendors by the Church

Here in Compostela de Santiago, before we enter the mainstream, the busyness of the daily specials greeted me.

Public Market at Compostela de Santiago

I felt safe knowing that a police officer was on the lookout for who knows I know not.  He was such an imposing figure at the dead centre of the market.

Police office on duty

For me, it’s much better to be in a down-to-earth environment rather than going to sterile mega superstores.  In the public market is where I met  local residents, local farmers, local fishermen, local food, and local vegetables grown locally.

Fascinating faces of Spanish vendors and buyers alike jam-packed the area.  One particular lady in black has a facial expression that I find beautiful.  The lines, creases and wrinkles on her face tell a story.  Yet, I refrained from taking a shot of here face so I settled for her backside.

Lady in black

Even though it was sunny, the air was crisp and cool.  The smell of fresh produce, baked bread, seafood and fresh kill permeated the entire area.  It was rather pleasant.

Of course, I must take a shot of living colours and inanimate objects.  Did I buy any of these objects as a souvenir? Nada!

This is what I call a community, such a spice of life.

Spice of Life

I wish I still know how to speak Spanish in order to converse with them.  Ask questions about what they sell or just simply find out how they are faring on such a beautiful country.  Mind you, I mastered one sentence: Dónde está el baño? (Where is the washroom?)

21 thoughts on “A Community: Local Public Market

  1. Ottawa’s Bytown Market is always a must visit when I’m downtown. I love the smell and the very, very nice people who wants you to buy, but will also accept just a smile … 🙂

  2. My papang (grandpa) would bring me to the Baclaran public market (Metro Manila, Philippines) to buy lechon (roasted pig). We would hang out while Papang would do his rounds and say hello to his suki (favorite vendors). So you could say that i am used to the public market environment. So, when visiting a country, (yes!) visit its public market. It’s a good place to know its local fruits, veggies, and food specialties. You will also feel the pulse of the local community.

  3. Haha! And that is a good thing to be able to say, right? Lol

    I too adore walking through markets and I could smell the bread as I was reading your post! Mmmmm, yummy!!

    The photos are brilliant. Hugs Paula xxxxx

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