In the land of her dreams, there is no path

In the land of her dreams, there is no path

In the land of her dreams, there is no path

She wakes up in the middle of her dream
I can easily dream within a dream
Sleep means a good night rest for her
Sleep means never to wake up for me
Sleep and dream, a common bond.

If you have a year and a day to live
What would you do with your life?
If you have a year and a day to grieve
Will the grieving be over?
You were given this life, do you have the
Right to take it? Yes or No?

Jab.  A jab on her rib cage woke her up
Ross departed husband gave her a jab
I thought that was funny
For Ross to visit her in her dreams
They have been separated
For a lifetime I’ve known her.

The joke was on her
For a person that wants nothing
Ross left everything to her.


In my own warp way of thinking
I asked her that we make a pact
Whoever goes first
To visit each other in our dreams
She agreed.

I’ll race you, I quickly said
That she did not take lightly
For she knows my history.

Hey, mon amie, Happy New Year
You made it to 2011
Let go, it’s okay for you to go
Time for you to go home
And I am going home now, too
Family is waiting in Vancouver
Happy New Year
Sweet dreams.

Gone, she’s gone
The following day.

Oh my gosh, you are standing
You are whole again!
Oh my gosh, you are dancing
Where’s your wheel chair?
Oh my gosh, what an impish laugh
Is this some kind of a joke?
No answer.

She came into my dream
It’s all a beautiful dream.

It will be two years and a day
Come January 2
She is now blowing in the wind
At Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia
Next spring, part of her remains will
Join Ross, Caramel, Rex
Spread the rest at the mountains
Of North Shore and Mount Baker.

Oh, the places she’ll go
In the land of her dreams
There is no path.

Pax Tecum, JGB.

7 thoughts on “In the land of her dreams, there is no path

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