New Year’s Resolution: It’s all Greek to me.

January is the first month of the Roman calendar.  In 153 BC, the Romans created a mythical King Janus as the head of the Roman calendar.  He had two faces, one to see the past and one to see the future. And my guess, the Romans started this tradition.

These are the pleasures I get in making a new year’s resolution:

  • I love to dream
  • no intention of fulfilling it
  • on telling people what I resolve to do
  • on hearing them say “Good on you”

It’s satisfaction guaranteed.

How can I resolve to stop eating chocolates when I still have so much left-over from Christmas and still eating them?  The stores have started displaying the valentine chocolates already.

So there!  King Janus is just a myth and so is new year’s resolution.

Image source: Wikipedia

30 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolution: It’s all Greek to me.

  1. If you ever decide to stop eating chocolates, there are people (like myself) who will rescue you by accepting your leftovers from Christmas. I will make a resolution to start eating chocolates. (laughs)

  2. Ha ha, Happy New Year – this year I’m trying something different with no weight-loss or exercise resolutions – I say this as I lie here munching my chocolate-covered nuts!

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