Window Gazers

Looking onto the window is one of my favorite pastimes when I am out for a walk; I am a window gazer not as a peeping tom but curious who will look out.  There are many windows of different shapes and sizes, with blinds or drapes, plain or with iron grills.  I often wonder if looking at a window, I can see a different world and a whole meaning will come without searching for it.

A hand on a window points me to a direction that life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting.  It even considers me a friend.
window 1

A store window Victoria’s Secret does not leave so much to my imagination. It is rather revealing, there’s no secret here at all.
window 3

A walk along the neighborhood, there is one particular window that I find appealing even with the blind down.  It has a figurine of a blue cat.
window 9

One day, the blue cat disappeared, and a  strange-looking figurine took its place.  As it turned out when I went closer to the window, it’s a hairless cat and very much alive.
window 11

This window is fascinating for it changes continuously.  I am beginning to think that the tenant is looking at me looking at the window.  I’ve seen a person inside once before.

On a different day, the blue cat has a company, another beautiful cat with short fur and a long whisker.  What happened to that hairless one?  Maybe the bald cat is not allowed to catch the sunshine, or else it might get more wrinkles for lack of protection.
window 8

For most days, only the blue cat is on the window.  I am beginning to miss not seeing the cats.  Mind you, more cats are gazing out in the neighborhood to entertain me than people looking out of the window. When I look at humans looking out of the windows, most of them are elderly.

The cats did finally showed up one day, all three of them.
window 5

Sometimes, I ponder on the existence of the cats as a companion for humans.  I am not looking for any answers except for this one.  I wonder how much this doggy in the window at the pet store?
window 2

36 thoughts on “Window Gazers

  1. I have to say, I hardly ever do window shopping. and even less so at a pet shop – all the animals are just so sorrowful, sitting there in their cages, waiting for somebody to love them…
    As for that hairless cat, not so much 😉 I quite like having the fur to sooth me!!

  2. How fortunate I feel to have found your blog. It is interesting, as I am a blogger of the newbie kind; today, I wrote a blog that made reference to windows. When I saw this post, it made me smile. The windows in which we gaze from and into tell so many tales from infinite perspectives. Thank you, Seeker; I look forward to meandering around your wise words of wisdom! With big hugs, Cher xo

    • My lucky day as well. Welcome to the blogging world, Cher. I am always so thrilled to know a fellow Canadian. I will be hunting for that window you mentioned at your site. Keep calm and keep on blogging. /seeker

      • Thank you so much! The window was from today’s post whereby I had a rather interesting sighting; well, for one little Canuck I suppose! *grin* Thank you for the reminder of calmness; wanting to share and do it well is reason to be calm. How fortunate am I you would say this to me! 🙂 🙂 Hugs, Cher xo

    • Hi Tina, The post wanted pictures of the window and I responded the other way. Tee hee. I wish I could take that doggie home with me. Don’t know how the cats will react to it. Perpetua.

    • Ute, the first one was quite interesting, eh? The tenant caught me taking a picture of the window and didn’t say anything. These animals are too cute for words. You’re welcome.

  3. Cats are great companions. They do not talk back but they visibly show their feelings. 🙂 Dogs are great, too, especially when they are just puppies. When they are all grown up, sometimes they lose their charm.
    (Now, I do not feel like a window gazer of your blog. Thank you for solving the problem of posting comments the easy way. 🙂 )

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