Silence and/or Less – Neuroscience of Peace

Silence Question: What one thought will you focus on this year to bring more peace?

Silence and less are good thoughts.

Think about this.

“How would spirituality help a man of the world like me?” said the businessman.
“It will help you have more,” said the Master.
“How?” “By teaching you to desire less.” — Anthony de Mello, SJ

MORSEL: After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box. –Italian Proverb

January Peace Challenge: Neuroscience of Peace

23 thoughts on “Silence and/or Less – Neuroscience of Peace

    • Thank you, Kozo. What I follow with RR is the written Daily Meditation. Last nights meditation was about True Self/False Self, disc 3 (CD) Gateway to Silence: Becoming who I am. Do you subscribe to him?

  1. Good thoughts, and my good thoughts often come out of stillness and silence. And if I am in a mode where I thinking about my short-term-gratification desires for more in this life … then my thoughts reflect that earthly neediness. Peace to you, T

Please share your reflection. Thank you.