The Art of Selfie: Call me Miss Pretty.

On a beautiful autumn day, one cannot help but feel good and pretty inside.  Taking photos of the most colourful neighbourhood, a few people had the same idea as me.  It was amusing to watch some of them taking a selfie.  It was rather a breezy day and I love the way my hair blows with the wind.  Smiling with the wind, a couple stopped  and talked to me. Selfish Autmn Is your hair real? They asked.  As real as they can be, I replied.  It’s gorgeous and you look so pretty, they added.  Oh thank you, that’s very kind of you to say so, feeling flattered.  And off they went.  Wow, I wonder if I really look pretty with this white hair.  So I took three consecutive shots.

Hmmm… so much for having evidence to show my family that I will be meeting that evening, Adults are so good in teaching the children how to be conceited.  We allowed them to use the iPad to take pictures of each other and to say cheese.  Should the children start fighting for the gizmo, the adults shouted in unison “No, No, No.”

Say Cheese

Say Cheese

I came to the rescue and scolded the adults to be gentle with the children.  You guys, there is a better way to speak to the children.  Say “stop” instead of “no”.  The kids keep on hearing the word “no”, they must think their name is “No”.  Allow me to teach the youngest how to say good words since he’s turning into a parrot.  Whatever we say, he mimics. I played the naming game with Baby James and he understands “What is your name?” He knows his name is James.  I introduced myself that I am Miss Pretty.  I said it a couple of times to him.  Then I asked Baby James “What is my name?”  He responded: Miss Pretty.  The adults applauded.

Miss Pretty

Miss Pretty

From now on, I am Miss Pretty to Baby James.

27 thoughts on “The Art of Selfie: Call me Miss Pretty.

  1. I noticed the wavy white near the edge of the picture. That’s not a selfie. 🙂
    You’re quite correct about children learning new things. We, adults, should be more careful with what we tell them.

    • I just can’t get this selfie right and I captured the top of my head. Laughing. Oh yes, we have to be a good example on the children especially during their formative years.

  2. Lovely pictures. Our trees are brown and somewhat bare but before long they will have buds of leaves and flowers. Is your hair really that color? Somehow I imagined you with brown hair.

  3. What glorious captures – James is such a cutie – and what a great lesson – “stop” instead of “no”. I did that with our two, even having a new mum joining our play-group and when introduced to me said she already knew me… “aren’t you the ‘stop – electricity’ lady from the doctors?” I was indeed, she went on to say how they’d now adopted that habit with their children!

  4. Where we live, we do not get those colors in the fall. Down South, where I am originally from, we do get some of those colors; and in the Southern Ozarks … where I camped back in the day, the colors were a bit more intense, similar to what you have in your pictures. Metaphorically … wow … color, trees, seasons, along with ponderous perpetual questions, “Where am I at? Where have I been? Where am I going?” I am with the Father. I have been through deserts, I have walked among trees with profound / divine colors. And ahead of me? It is good. “Safe? No, He is not safe, but He is good.” I really liked this piece that I connected with, outside the box. Peace, T

    • I love how you can see beyond words and pictures, T. What a gift you have. How can the Father be not safe? Can you expound this in your post. I tend to think outside the box during Word Press Photo Challenge.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.