Life on the street where I live

After a long wet coast winter weather, the street life in Vancouver springs into action.  Yes, spring is definitely in the air, and we celebrated it with a hug with the resident Vancouver’s critters. There were five of them, and I met four cute, soft and furry critters that came out of their hibernation giving out hugs.

This is Duh Bear, not a grizzly bear but a gentle softie softer than toilet paper.  He definitely dislikes any hunting trophy.

A reluctant hugger

A reluctant hugger

Hugs for Hunger is a fundraising event to welcome spring.  1 Hug = $1 donated by the sponsor to help the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.  All we have to do is give the critters a hug.

A Bear Hug

A Bear Hug

I hug all four of them, and $4 was donated to the Food Bank.  What a lovely way to spend the day watching passersby giving hugs.  It was definitely a joyful and happy day.

A bunny hug with pink ears.  This one left me hopping for more hug and, of course, he accepts a bribe of carrot sticks for more squeezes.

Bunny Hug

Bunny Hug

To hug and Bee hug has a positive effect on one’s well-being.  If you get stung, you will feel this tingly butterfly feeling in your chest and tummy.  Oh, what a lovely feeling sweeter than honey.

Bee Hug

Bee Hug

And here’s the Raccoon coming towards me ready to steal my heart away or maybe the garbage that I carry.

I'm coming to get you.

I’m coming to get you.

I think the Raccoon has already been to the garbage since I don’t see any takers from him.  Just take a look at this one running away from him.  Pepe le phew!

No, no, no, Mr. Stinker

No, no, no, Mr. Stinker

Finally, someone took pity on him and gave him a Hug for Hunger.

All Good.

All Good.

It was a very successful day.

“The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany.”  ― Rebecca SolnitWanderlust: A History of Walking

21 thoughts on “Life on the street where I live

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