Dressing up according to Lucy.

When a little girl plays dress up, she means business.  She can’t wait to grow up and will adorn herself using her Mother’s accessories including the Boa feather and hat. Doesn’t she look adorable?
lucy 1There is no way she will change her outfit with all the cajoling and threats from her Mother. Besides, she is smarter than her.
lucy 2

“God is not satisfied with appearance. God wants the garment of justice. God wants his Christians dressed in love.”-Oscar Romero  (via Claudia)
lucy 3

9 thoughts on “Dressing up according to Lucy.

  1. wow this is wonderful, the story and the integrated art work, and yes I think this is a wonderful message for any believer in God. Thanks for this and following my blog and liking my posts, God bless.

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