Product of Enlightenment

walk away
“What kind of a person does Enlightenment produce?”

Said the Master:

“To be public-spirited and belong to no party,
to move without being bound to any given course,
to take things as they come,
have no remorse for the past,
no anxiety for the future,
to move when pushed,
to come when dragged,
to be like a mighty gale,
like a feather in the wind,
like weeds floating on a river,
like a mill stone meekly grinding,
to love all creation equally
as heaven and earth are equal to all
—such is the product of Enlightenment.”


On hearing these words, one of the younger disciples cried, “This sort of teaching is not for the living but for the dead,” and walked away, never to return.  ~ Anthony de Mello, SJ

MORSEL: All Spiritual being is in man. A wise old proverb says, “God comes to see us without bell,” that is, as there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so is there no bar or wall in the soul where man, the effect, ceases, and God, the cause, begins.  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays “The Over-Soul”

2 thoughts on “Product of Enlightenment

  1. This post really speaks to me. I never thought myself as an enlightened person, but I truly believe the horses and nature have opened up my eyes and my heart to be closer to this truth. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    • Animals and nature has that effect on people to become more open and compassionate. Being a photographer of nature, I can sense that you move with the wind. You are an enlightened being and your post speaks to me. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy your site. Thank you.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.