Never too late

30 years over due book

30 years over due book

“To whom it may concern. From Courtenay library. Please find $100.00 for courier back to Courtenay and overdue. I shall contact next week to ensure all is in order. Thanks.”

More than 30 years after he first borrowed Camping and Woodcraft from a Vancouver Island library, an unidentified man has finally put the well-thumbed guidebook back into circulation.  

The man, described only as an older gentleman, walked into a library branch in Prince George, B.C. and handed over a copy of the 1965 book Camping and Woodcraft: A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers, and said he would like it returned to its home in Courtenay, B.C.

Do you have any books sitting around that is long overdue?

Source: National Post

11 thoughts on “Never too late

  1. I remember the library behind Ellen Dally swimming pool in north burnaby one time telling me I owed them something like $30 bucks on overdue books, wasn’t long before I insisted they check records that they realized they had sold the book but a clerk didn’t put it in smh..

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