Rose Garden

Rose Garden at Naramata, BC

Rose Garden

“At last you’ve left and gone
to the invisible:
How marvellous the way you
Quit this world.

You ruffled your feathers and,
Breaking free of your cage,
You took to the air, bound for
Your soul’s world…

A love-sick nightingale among owls,
You caught
The scent of rose and flew to
The rose garden”

Mevlana Jalalu’ddin Rumi (1207-1273) ~ Sufi Wisdom

A post in memory of Lucia S. Siglos, my mother.

Mother loves her rose garden and a design of a rose is on her burial plaque.  Today is the day I first set foot in Canada and I consider it as my Canadian birthday, with gratitude to my Mother. When my birthday comes, one of the things that I must do is acknowledge my Mother.  Without my Mother, there is no life for me, my siblings and the generations after us.  I have instilled this practice for those who wants to listen, meaning the younger generation.

Mother, thank you for giving us a new life in Canada.  I love you and miss you.

Love and prayers, Lady.

Update:  Note from my sisters:
“I have Mother’s rose bush in my garden. Flowers are deep red. Also has her rose musical glass thingy. And her flower roses made of cloth. My tombstone to be also has roses etched on it like her. I miss her too. Happy birthday to us. XO”

“Visited Mother on the Eve of your 37th Year anniversary of arrival in Canada. Did not know this at that time. I was not able to bring flowers.”

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