Draw me something

“I want to be a paleontologist.”

“A paleonto what?”

“I love dinosaurs and I want to take care of them.”

“Well, you love Barney, Bamm-Bamm and Dino in Flintstones.  That’s only cartoons; besides dinosaurs are extinct. There are no more dinosaurs.”

Of course he won’t believe me. So I have to show him what a paleontologist does.  Showed him how they dig! For bones.

“So, do you still want to be a grave-digger, Alexander?”

Alexander, my nephew loves dinosaurs. Even as a  grown up man, he still keeps his collections of rubber toys made in China. He can remember all the names of the dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Brontosaurus, etcetera but he can’t remember that he’s supposed to put them away in a box after playtime. I have to repeat to him at least ten times the basic housekeeping rule of playing with toys.  He doesn’t seem to listen. Maybe he does, he just ignores me.

Another thing is he loves to draw. Give him a paper, a pencil or a set of crayons, he’s happy.

“Draw me something”

“What do you want me to draw?’


He did and I kept some of his drawings for sentimental value.

He outgrown the dinosaurs. Education, piano lessons, soccer games, motor bike, four-wheel drive jeeps and a few girlfriends took over along the way. Finally, he finished his studies and became a responsible man.

As a present, I framed one of his drawings. It is now hanging in his office.  It was perfect, just perfect.

My sanctuary drawn by Alexander

My sanctuary drawn by Alexander

I could have not imagined him as an architect but it was written all over the papers when I looked at his drawings.

As far as listening, he does listen.

I found this out recently on his birthday when I asked my sister via e-mail what her son is doing on his birthday. Where is he? Will he be spending time with her?

My sister replied by forwarding me an e-mail where his son was at the time. It was a photo of Mother’s plaque from the cemetery.  He was there visiting Granny on his birthday.

Interesting This whole event reminded me of what I said here.

Life is full of surprises.

15 thoughts on “Draw me something

      • Thanxx so much Perpetua! Monty and I are taking a little break from blogging as we have a house renovation going on (we are knee-deep in noise, dust and builder’s rubble!), but we still very much enjoy your inspiring and entertaining posts. : )))

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