Ten Thousands Buttercups

Photo: Buttercup by Alex J. White

Photo: Buttercup by Alex J. White

Through Darkness, Into the Light BY PARKER J. PALMER 

I recently talked with a friend who’s spent time in the same deep darkness that I’ve known from time to time. In the course of our conversation, she shared a beautiful poem with me — a poem she wrote about an experience that helped her come through that darkness back into the light.

As the poem itself says, this may not be for you. But I wanted to share it here, with her permission, knowing that if the poem brings light to only one other person, I’ll be glad I passed it along. I know it brought light to me.

by Willow Harth

This poem is not meant for you
unless you too have been underground
choking on your life’s debris, and
playing peek-a-boo with death seriously

then the surprise of ten thousand buttercups
out of nowhere on every side where they’d
never been before on my daily walk
might have had the effect on you it did on me

because suddenly

I wanted to understand how these particular
flowers came to be—the whole evolutionary
history of mosses, ferns and angiosperms,
the miracle of photosynthesis and DNA, not

to mention the longings of the Milky Way
to reflect itself in the form called flowers and
in these buttercups, which seemed like a
visitation from the sun, urging me to tell you, in
case like me you had forgotten

we are the universe’s latest way of blooming.


5 thoughts on “Ten Thousands Buttercups

  1. I have been there. Not considering suicide seriously, because my brain told me that there did not seem to be Guaranteed ways of dying. But Angry, with Everything and Everybody. …In all that, it was an Experience that brought me Back.

    We might call it the Forces of the Universe or anything, I Call Him God. And I believe that HE reaches out, and takes us in, in various ways.

    My Message: Don’t give up too easily. You Will be Reached. …Regards.

  2. We are but specks of dusts in the overall designs of the universe. Yet sometimes we do not give meaning to life and we take for granted all the simple and beautiful things around us. Be with nature and feel life at its finest.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.