18 thoughts on “Good Monday Morning

  1. Ahhh there is indeed nothing like coffee, eh? I’ve been told I’m grumpy until I finish my first cup. Did you hear that Burger King is buying out Tim’s? But they will make their headquarters in Canada because our corporate taxes are cheaper than in the U.S.!

    • There is a Whopper of a Deal. At the end, we are run by American umpire. I hope the americans will make the prices lower since the taxes are lower here. You think?

      • Oh, wouldn’t that be great?! I’m not sure of the exact reason, I think it was environmental disaster, but the price of coffee is going up soon. Darn thing is, coffee and cigs aren’t going to stop me when prices go up!

  2. Yes….reminds me of:

    “I want to describe my life
    in hushed tones
    like a TV nature program.
    Dawn in the north.
    His nose stalks the air
    for newborn coffee.”

    ~ Jim Harrison & Ted Kooser, Braided Creek: A Conversation in Poetry

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