I write. A LOT.

Must Remember

Image credit: New Yorker ~ A cartoon by Carolita Johnson from this week’s issue of the magazine.

I write


I write my thoughts down to get it out of my mind

The minute I wrote it down, another one surfaces

As fast I can write them down

The faster my brain conjures more thoughts.


I must remember

To stop writing

To save some trees


Start writing in the wind.

17 thoughts on “I write. A LOT.

  1. Or on the beach sand, then take a pic with a digital camera so you can view them… or on your arm, then take a pic with a digital camera …. LOL. 🙂

      • I never understood tattoos. Yet, it seems to be the goto expression for this generation. I usually think of how it will look when they age and gravity sets in. Yeah I’m old, that’s why I think that way.

        I’d say get a big sandbox, but then I remembered your cats. Probably not a wise move! Ummm … crayons on the bathroom mirror? 🙂

      • Ha ha ha laughing out loud! I will have competition with the cats! I will get one of those whiteboards. That should do it.

        I was talking to a tattoo artist yesterday that this became an artwork. During my haydays back in the island, it’s more of a tribal thing. The elders especially women are the tattoo makers. Tattoos then were a symbol of being great and strong for killing the Japanese. I did a bit of research on this to write a story. One day….

        Oh, mirror, sori, I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror. 😛

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