Worth Repeating

Photo of a painting from Fragrant Wood

Photo of a painting from Fragrant Wood

A disciple confessed his bad habit of repeating gossip.
Said the Master wickedly, “Repeating it wouldn’t be so bad if you did not improve on it.”
~ Anthony de Mello, SJ

To attain Knowledge, add things every day.
To attain Wisdom,remove things every day.
~ Lao Tzu

3 thoughts on “Worth Repeating

  1. I discovered that I gossip about myself. Yes, I’ve told stories about all the things that happened to me With time, the stories were getting more and more dramatic, embellished with ever-juicier details. Now, as I catch myself dishing the dirt, I go back to what really happened and my part in it. It makes for less newsiness. More importantly, it frees me to get back to reality and this wonderful moment.
    Thanks for your continued inspiration.

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