From Illness to Independence


Source: International Bipolar Foundation

This week I will be posting a series of awareness to advocate for people who suffer mental illness. As much as I would like to discuss my experience, I would rather share what is happening NOW.

I want everyone to know that a lot of people are striving to be back in the main stream and live a so-called “normal” life with the help of caring people and  communities.

It pains me to read and hear that these people are called “selfish” because of the illness especially one committed suicide.

The other night, I was watching the news how a boy raised funds to help his friend received the operation his friend badly needed. His friend is suffering from cerebral palsy and can hardly move. He raised more than enough money for the operation. The main question for the boy was what made you do it.

His answer was: “If you see someone needs help, you just help them.”

Yes! Just help. It’s that simple from the mouth of a boy.

The world would be better if we can help one another.

Thousands of people with chronic mental illness live productive lives in Metro Vancouver thanks to the support offered by Coast Mental Health. The non-profit organization provides housing, vocational training and employment opportunities, and community resources to over 4,200 people with mental illness every year. In recognition of Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct. 6 to 11) Coast strives to spark meaningful discussions about mental health.

Mental illness is a thief. It can rob you of your identity, take away your livelihood and isolate you from friends and family. It can leave you a shadow of yourself – alone and hopeless. And if diseases like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia were not bad enough, add to that the pain of stigma and discrimination.

Coast Mental Health is a non-profit private organization that supports recovery from mental illness by providing intervention and care. From our meal and clothing programs and supported housing, we see restored dignity. And from our life skills training, education and employment programs, we see reduced poverty and increased security.

With the right supports, people can and do recover from these illnesses. Mental illness is simply another obstacle in life.

Find out what Coast Mental Health does to help individuals suffering from mental illness and homelessness, click here.

Source: Coast Mental Health and International Bipolar Foundation


9 thoughts on “From Illness to Independence

  1. Pingback: National Health Awareness Week…..Let the world know your’e there! | Let me tell U a story

  2. Illusions are plentiful on this planet! I know the cure is to take care of yourself. I started out trying to fight the effects of aging… It has taken me 5 years, but I did it! Now I leap out of bed every morning like a 10 year old, all excited about what I’m gonna do today to improve myself further! And just yesterday, happiness began! I have a post about it on my blog about this small miracle, as well as all the details of what I’ve done to get my mind right! And I did it in the face of much adversity! The article is inspiring and I’d like you to read it. One more thing… The human mind is extremely powerful! It does exactly what you tell it to do! If that’s: ‘Be sad’, that’s your choice. Fact of the matter is, it’s fixable, and all up to you.

    You’re presence here and consideration of this earns you 5 whole stars! See how they twinkle with wide eyed approval :O)

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