When will we ever learn?

Click on the photo to watch Kinston Trio

Click on the photo to watch Kinston Trio

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago.

Where have all the flowers gone?
The girls have picked them everyone.
Oh, when will you ever learn?
Oh, when will you ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago.

Where have all the young girls gone?
They’ve taken husbands everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago.

Where have all the young men gone?
They’re all in uniform.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?

Songwriter: PETER SEEGER

Remembrance day is here again. This song is old as old can be and it still true to this date. When will we ever learn?

15 thoughts on “When will we ever learn?

  1. I tried and failed to comment here earlier, but WordPress was kind enough to send me a failure notice. Anyway…

    Looks like we need to be careful not to date ourselves too harshly by these comments. I was a married lady with children during these days. Let’s also remember Peter, Paul and Mary and the Seekers too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRg9NkIdjVs

    Good advice at the time and good advice now.

  2. 🙂 This brought a great smile to me this morning ~ such a great photo & song. Nothing as important as learning…and it seems we are all so bad at it (governments in particular). Take care and enjoy the coming week!

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