Writers Wanted



Have you had a positive experience or some positive change in your life because of your illness? MDABC is putting out a special edition newsletter in January with positive stories from people whose lives have been impacted by a mood disorder. It can be a story about how you found your perfect career in the mental health field, how you made some new friends with people who truly understand the experience of mental illness, or how you have come to new self-awareness or compassion for others because of your illness. Your story should be 300 to 400 words in length. MDABC will edit it for clarity and grammar.

All submissions should go to the MDABC office by email to info@mdabc.net no later than January 2, 2015. It should also include a .JPEG photo of you, the writer, to be used in the newsletter and for online use when the MDABC sends the newsletter out electronically.

MDABC stands for The Mood Disorders Association of BC.

Note: I am not paid to do this but encouraging people to share and support one another. Don’t be ashamed of your story, it will inspire others.

7 thoughts on “Writers Wanted

  1. This is a great idea. Mental health is such a taboo illness even now. We don’t worry about going to the doctor for physical ailments but worry what people will think and often wait too long before getting mental issues addressed. I have a kid with a learning disability. He has to work so hard to keep up with his workload that he often suffers with depression. Thankfully he’s following his mum’s lead and not being afraid to seek professional help when needed. Thanks for passing this on. I’ll consider putting a story in myself!

Please share your reflection. Thank you.