The Promise I made to Myself

When it comes to children, I try to keep the quiet promises I made to myself and not let them know.

I promised that I will post this video and today is the day.

A Charlie Brown Christmas music played by my darling niece, Lucy.

14 thoughts on “The Promise I made to Myself

  1. Well you moved house, been a long time since we last talked, I have started my blog again after closing it down. I do hope you are well would be nice to hear from you some time. Take care

    Pete πŸ™‚

    • Long time no hear, Pete and it’s good to hear from you. Yes, I noticed it’s a different name. I hope you received the first comment. The second one, it wanted me to log in which I do not understand. Anyway, I will play around so I can leave a comment. Happy New Year. Perpetua.

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