Talk. Text. Tweet

clara hughesHer athletic journey captured our hearts not just by winning in Olympics also by speaking about mental health.  Behind this beautiful smile, she suffers from depression.

One of the best way to rise above depression is by talking about it. She did and become a spokesperson for Bell Canada to bring awareness and help fight stigma.

Competition does not frighten her but depression does when it comes.

She has taken the conversation further to communities by cycling 12,000 km across Canada and share her journey with depression to other Canadians that they are not alone.

Her goal is to turn mental illness to mental wellness.

On January 28, Bell Canada will donate five cents more to Canadian mental health programs for every text or tweet message, wireless and long distance call made by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant customers. (Note that I am promoting mental wellness and not Bell Canada.)

Everytime we speak about this disease, we open the door of hope wider and the door of shame closes.

These are the five simple ways to help end the stigma about mental illness provided by Bell Canada:

  1. Language Matters
  2. Educate Yourself
  3. Be Kind
  4. Listen and Ask
  5. Talk About It

Come and join the conversation. Tell us what you do for your mental wellness.

14 thoughts on “Talk. Text. Tweet

    • Thank you. I will keep this in mind. I have a post that I will share with you that I did an a triangle artwork similar to yours. I’ll let you decide should you want to use it for your cause. Perpetua.

  1. It’s brilliant that someone on such an elite level is “discussing” mental health issues and how it really is an going issue. Often I’ve found that once people know there’s an “mental health issue” they can be even LESS understanding as there’s the belief that… “well, if they know they have a problem how come they haven’t FIXED IT?!” Like it’s THAT simple…

    • It makes a big difference that people would sooner hear from someone who are known in the society. Most people just don’t know what to say and when they do it just doesn’t come out right. I remember when AIDS just came out publicly and it took a while for the public to accept the “issue”. Thank you, Joanne for your insight.

    • Pardon my delay in replying, Amy. Work gets in a way of blogging. You are absolutely right. We tend to help each other because we know how hard it is to get help and we have to keep raising our “voices” so to speak. You are so kind, Amy. Perpetua.

Please share your reflection. Thank you.